Prešernov dan / Preseren’s day

Prešernov dan / Preseren’s day

#Presernov dan Slovenska filantropija

From Slovenia via London to the world with some of our Ukrainian students from the Wednesday’s group of our Slovene course.

Today is #Prešernov dan – #Prešeren‘s day. It’s marking the anniversary of the death of the Slovenian national poet France Prešeren. In 1991 in the new Slovenian Republic, the 7th verse of the poem #Zdravljica was chosen as the national anthem. In this verse the poem expresses the ideal of a peaceful co-existence of all nations and its rejection of violence and war Žive naj vsi narodi (Long live all nations).

I hope that this message of peaceful coexistence of nations will create positive vibes and thoughts.

For the second part of the #Presernov dan, we decided to join Taras #Ševčenko and #Prešeren. ❤️ Both nations have had to fight for their right to exist and their identity, which is why even the personal stories of the two countries’ greatest poets and contemporaries, France #Prešeren and Taras #Shevchenko, are so similar. Both were persecuted for their belief in the natural beauty of their respective languages and in those languages’ right to exist.

Gratitude to my great students for this! I am proud and feel honoured to be a part of their lives. Дя́кую!

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